to problem set

Problem 3 - Code comprehension

The most important thing to understand in this problem is which class you are operating in. Because the methods are the same for every instance of Foo make sure you are editing the correct values inside the methods.

    public class Foo {
        private int[] vals;
        public Foo(int[] vals) {
            this.vals = vals;
        public int[] getVals() {
            return vals;
        public int getIndex(int i) {
            return vals[i];
        public void addOtherVals(int[] other_vals) {
            for (int i=0; i<vals.length; i++) {
                vals[i] += other_vals[i];
        public void swapBiggerVals(int[] other_vals) {
            for (int i=0; i<vals.length; i++) {
                if (vals[i] > other_vals[i]) {
                    int tmp = other_vals[i];
                    other_vals[i] = vals[i];
                    vals[i] = tmp;
Foo f1 = new Foo(new int[] {1, 4, 5});
Foo f2 = new Foo(new int[] {2, 3, 6});
int r1 = f1.getIndex(0);
int r2 = f1.getIndex(1);
int r3 = f1.getIndex(2);
int r4 = f2.getIndex(1);
int r5 = f2.getIndex(2);

We are trying to find the values of r1 - r5:
Lets start by just keeping track of the two arrays and see what happens. At the start:

f1 [1, 4, 5]
f2 [2, 3, 6]

Our first call is to f1.swapBiggerVals(f2.getVals());
What does this method do?

The only time this ends up happening is when the index is one. So in this case we swap the values at position one.
after the swapping

f1 [1, 3, 5]
f2 [2, 4, 6]

The next call is f2.addOtherVals(f1.getVals());
This method does the following

because this is happening on the f2 class we have the following values

f1 [1, 3, 5]
f2 [3, 7, 11]

Now f2.swapBiggerVals(f1.getVals());
Because everything in the f2 array is bigger, everything gets swapped.

f1 [3, 7, 11]
f2 [1, 3, 5]

If you have gotten this far and haven’t confused f1 and f2 it should be easy to pair up the r1 - r5

int r1 = f1.getIndex(0); // r1 = f1[0] and so on. Keep track of which array
int r2 = f1.getIndex(1); // that you need to access
int r3 = f1.getIndex(2);
int r4 = f2.getIndex(1);
int r5 = f2.getIndex(2);


r1: 3
r2: 7
r3: 11
r4: 3
r5: 5