to index

Midterm Practice index

The links below are to specific pages that either break down a single larger problem, or work through a group of multiple choice or true/false. If you can solve all the of the practice problems in a reasonable amount of time you should do well on the exams.

Problem # Problem type
1 Multiple Choice
2 Code Comprehension
3 Code Comprehension
4 Is-A relationships
5 True/False
6 Code Comprehension
7 Code Comprehension
8 Code Comprehension
9 Code Comprehension
10 Code Comprehension
11 Code Comprehension (exceptions)
12 Code Comprehension (exceptions)

How to contribute

All of these pages are built using a markup language called Markdown. You can manage markdown pages and edit them on Dillinger. If you decide to make a markdown page that outlines a problem such as the ones above, feel free to to email chrisbur (this is an onyen, if you go to UNC you will know what to do) and it will be added.

If you don’t know how to use markdown or dont care to learn it, feel free to write up your problem page in a txt file and email that and it will be converted.
